Evaluation of the Short-term Periodicities in the Flare Index
between the Years 1966-2002
A. Ozguc (1),
T. Atac (1),
J. Rybák (2)
1 - Bogazici University, Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute, Cengelkoy, Istanbul, Turkey
2 - Astronomical Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences, SK-05960 Tatranská Lomnica, Slovakia
The short-term periodicities of the flare index are investigated in detail
using Fourier and wavelet transforms for the full-disc and for the
northern and the southern hemispheres of the Sun separately over the epoch
of almost 4 cycles (1966-2002).
The most pronounced power peaks were found by the Fourier transform
to be present at 25.6, 27.0, 30.2, and 33.8 days.
The wavelet transform results show that the occurence
of periodicities of flare index power
is highly intermittent in time. A comparison of the results of the Fourier tra
and the time-period wavelet transform of the flare index time series has clari
the importance of different periodicities, whether they are or are not the har
of the basic ones, as well as the temporal location of their occurrence.
Because we found that the modulation of the flare index due to the
27-day solar rotation is more pronounced during the declining portion
of solar cycle than during the rising portion.
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