
The science sessions of the workshop will take place from Tuesday morning to Friday noon. 

The workshop will provide a cross-disciplinary knowledge exchange on physics of the small bodies in the Solar system revealing a comet-like activity, new space missions (Comet Interceptor, DESTINY+, Lucy, DART) and related ground-based observational campaigns. Improving our knowledge on origin and evolution of active small bodies from different dynamical groups is aimed at better understanding of the Solar System history.

The genetic relationship between comets, asteroids, and centaurs is now extremely important. Sometimes it is difficult to determine to which class of small bodies a particular object belongs.  For example, Centaurs belong to the transition class from a dynamic point of view.  Among these objects, active ones are also observed, what allows to study the mechanisms of their activity and physicochemical changes to better understand their genetic connection with comets. Another group of small bodies that demonstrates a duality of its nature is active asteroids. These objects have the dynamical characteristics of asteroids (their orbits are usually asteroid-like) and at the same time they exhibit cometary activity, which is expressed in the appearance of a dust coma and tails.

The study of small bodies with comet-like activity will help to estimate the primordial distribution of volatiles in the protoplanetary disk and to better understand the formation mechanisms of the Solar System.