CAOSP articles, Volume: 9, year: 1980
Available articles:
Author(s): Rusin, V.
Title: Intensities of the coronal emission line 530,3 nm observed at Lomnicky Stit in the years 1971-1976
pages: 7 -- 35
Author(s): Rybansky, M.
Title: Coronal index of the solar activity IIa, 1972 and 1973
pages: 37 -- 113
Author(s): Hajduk, A.; Pittich, E. M.; McIntosh, B. A.
Title: Changes in radar meteor echo rates at sunrise
pages: 115 -- 120
Author(s): Hajduk, A.; Prikryl, P.
Title: Meteor Echo Drifts And Echo Duration
pages: 121 -- 124
Author(s): Porubcan, V.; Kresakova, M.; Stohl, J.
Title: Geminid Meteor Shower: Activity and Magnitude Distribution
pages: 125 -- 144
Author(s): Antal, M.
Title: Positions of minor planet No. 433 Eros in the years 1974-1975
pages: 145 -- 162
Author(s): Tremko, J.; Bakos, G. A.
Title: Analysis of the light curve, orbital elements and the period changes of U Cephei
pages: 163 -- 190