CAOSP articles, Volume: 14, year: 1986
Available articles:
Author(s): Rybansky, M.
Title: Coronal index of solar activity IVa, 1976
pages: 7 -- 80
Author(s): Rusin, V.; Rybansky, M.
Title: On the possibility of forecasting coronal holes
pages: 81 -- 85
Author(s): Chochol, D.; Skopal, A.; Galkina, T. S.
Title: Variations in mass transfer during the activity maximum of the binary symbiotic system CH Cygni.
pages: 87 -- 95
Author(s): Klocok, L.; Zverko, J.; Ziznovsky, J.
Title: Pulse-counting photometer at the Skalnate Pleso Observatory
pages: 97 -- 104
Author(s): Porubcan, V.
Title: Radar observations of the Lyrid meteor shower in 1980-1984
pages: 105 -- 109
Author(s): Zvolankova, J.
Title: Activity of the Geminid meteoric shower in the years 1944-1974
pages: 111 -- 119
Author(s): Antalova, A.
Title: The latitudinal distribution of sunspot area and variations of the differential rotation of the Sun during the period 1921-1971
pages: 121 -- 144
Author(s): Kreiner, J. M.; Tremko, J.
Title: Study of the eclipsing system V388 Cyg.
pages: 145 -- 162
Author(s): Antalova, A.; Macura, R.
Title: The rate of areal decrease of long-lived sunspots
pages: 163 -- 181
Author(s): Kapisinsky, I.
Title: On the problem of the origin of beta meteoroids
pages: 183 -- 189