CAOSP abstracts, Volume: 23, year: 1993
- Author(s): ZVOLANKOVA, J.
- Journal: Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnate Pleso,
vol. 23, p. 57-62.
- Date: 07/1993
- Title: Activity of the alpha Capricornid meteor shower in 1946
- Pages: 57 -- 62
The existing data on the very broad and complex, but poorly known alpha
Capricornid meteor shower are reviewed. New data on its activity are derived
from the results of the extensive meteor observations, carried out at the
Skalnate Pleso Observatory in the first half of August 1946. Among over 3200
meteor records, only 54 alpha Capricornids are identified. The existence of a
secondary shower maximum around the solar longitude of 137 degr. is confirmed.
After the application of the corrections for the zenith distance of the
radiant, and for the effects of moonlight, twilight and partial cloudiness
the maximum zenithal rate is estimated at 15 naked-eye meteors per hour.
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