CAOSP abstracts, Volume: 36, No.: 3, year: 2006
Available abstracts:
Author(s): Druckmüller, M.; Rušin, V.; Minarovjech, M.
Title: A new numerical method of total solar eclipse photography processing
pages: 131 -- 148
Author(s): Chochol, D.; Errico, L.; Magrì, M.; Pribulla, T.; Vittone, A.A.
Title: On the nature of V1647 Ori
pages: 149 -- 157
Author(s): Neslušan, L.; Paulech, T.
Title: The study of a gravitational influence of a nearly passing star on the primordial Kuiper belt
pages: 158 -- 170
Author(s): Vereš, P.; Kornoš, L.; Tóth, J.
Title: Search for very close approaching NEAs
pages: 171 -- 180
Author(s): Kaňuchová, Z.; Svoreň, J.
Title: Geminids - the list of photographic orbits
pages: 181 -- 193