CAOSP abstracts, Volume: 37, No.: 1, year: 2007
Available abstracts:
Author(s): Kocifaj, M.; Klačka, J.
Title: Light scattering by amorphous silicon and amorphous carbon particles at different heliocentric distances
pages: 5 -- 17
Author(s): Hajduková Jr., M.; Paulech, T.
Title: Hyperbolic and interstellar meteors in the IAU MDC radar data
pages: 18 -- 30
Author(s): Porubčan, V.; Zigo, P.; Pecina, P.; Pecinová, D.; Cevolani, G.; Pupillo, G.; Rozboril, J.
Title: Summer streams of the Taurid meteor complex
pages: 31 -- 48
Author(s): Zverko, J.; Žižňovský, J.; Mikulášek, Z.; Iliev, I.Kh.
Title: Radial velocity determination by CCF using a synthetic spectrum as the template and detecting component spectra in SB1 binaries
pages: 49 -- 62