CAOSP abstracts, Volume: 39, No.: 2, year: 2009
Available abstracts:
Author(s): Rušin, V.; Minarovjech, M.; Saniga, M.
Title: Solar cycle 24 minimum/maximum prediction based on the green corona 530.3 nm data
pages: 71 -- 77
Author(s): Husárik, M.; Pittich, E.M.; Solovaya, N.A.; Svoreň, J.
Title: Asteroid 2408 upon the 100th birthday of Igor Stanislavovich Astapovich
pages: 78 -- 84
Author(s): Jakubík, M.; Neslušan, L.
Title: A probe to the Oort-cloud dynamics during an encounter of a dense condensation of giant molecular cloud
pages: 85 -- 100
Author(s): Porubčan, V.; Svoreň, J.; Husárik, M.; Kaňuchová, Z.
Title: Slovakian part of the European fireball network
pages: 101 -- 108
Author(s): Pittich, E.M.; Solovaya, N.A.
Title: Collisions as a possible case of TNOs migrations
pages: 109 -- 121