CAOSP abstracts, Volume: 41, No.: 1, year: 2011
Available abstracts:
Author(s): Kollár, V.; Kudela, K.; Minarovjech, M.
Title: Some alternative instrumentation for galactic cosmic rays measurement using ground based neutron monitor detectors. I. Elapsed time methods
pages: 5 -- 14
Author(s): Hajduková, M., Jr.
Title: The orbital dispersion in the long-period meteor streams
pages: 15 -- 22
Author(s): Svoreň, J.; Krišandová, Z.; Kaňuchová, Z.
Title: Taurids — a list of photographic orbits
pages: 23 -- 34
Author(s): Neslušan, L.
Title: A note on the impulse addition of two colliding spherical objects
pages: 35 -- 38
Author(s): Hric, L.; Kundra, E.; Dubovský, P.
Title: The fast brightness decline eclipses study - the case of V471 Tau
pages: 39 -- 53
Author(s): Sharaf, M.A.; Selim, H.H.
Title: Motion in cylindrical coordinates: applications to J2 gravity perturbed trajectories of space dynamics
pages: 54 -- 62