CAOSP abstracts, Volume: 41, No.: 2, year: 2011
Available abstracts:
Author(s): Garcia, A.; Sobotka, M.; Klvaňa, M.; Bumba, V.
Title: Synoptic observations with the Coimbra spectroheliograph
pages: 69 -- 72
Author(s): Ermolli, I.; Criscuoli, S.; Giorgi, F.
Title: Recent results from optical synoptic observations of the solar atmosphere with ground-based instruments
pages: 73 -- 84
Author(s): Zuccarello, F.; Contarino, L.; Romano, P.
Title: Solar observations carried out at the INAF - Catania Astrophysical Observatory
pages: 85 -- 91
Author(s): Klvaňa, M.; Sobotka, M.; Švanda, M.
Title: Solar synoptic telescope. Characteristics, possibilities, and limits of design
pages: 92 -- 98
Author(s): López Ariste, A.; Le Men, C.; Gelly, B.
Title: Double-pass spectroimaging with spectral multiplexing: TUNIS
pages: 99 -- 105
Author(s): Minarovjech, M.; Rušin, V.; Saniga, M.
Title: Synoptic charts of solar magnetic fields
pages: 106 -- 112
Author(s): Fröhlich, C.
Title: A four-component proxy model for total solar irradiance calibrated during solar cycles 21-23
pages: 113 -- 132
Author(s): Rybák, J.; Gömöry, P.; Mačura, R.; Kučera, A.; Rušin, V.; Pötzi, W.; Baumgartner, D.; Hanslmeier, A.; Veronig, A.; Temmer, M.
Title: The LSO/KSO Hα prominence catalogue: cross-calibration of data
pages: 133 -- 136
Author(s): Minarovjech, M.; Rušin, V.; Saniga, M.
Title: The green corona database and the coronal index of solar activity
pages: 137 -- 141
Author(s): Mancuso, S.; Giordano, S.
Title: Coronal differential rotation from UVCS/SOHO synoptic observations
pages: 142 -- 148
Author(s): Bourdin, Ph.-A.
Title: Denoising observational data
pages: 149 -- 155
Author(s): Roth, M.
Title: The future of helioseismology
pages: 156 -- 166
Author(s): Koza, J.
Title: The spectral line Ba II 6497 Å as a sensitive Doppler diagnostics
pages: 167 -- 174
Author(s): Minarovjech, M.; Rušin, V.; Saniga, M.
Title: Predicting minima and maxima of solar cycles based on prominences and emission corona
pages: 175 -- 182
Author(s): Radziszewski, K.; Rudawy, P.
Title: HXR and Hα emission sources observed during the impulsive phase of a solar flare
pages: 183 -- 187