CAOSP abstracts, Volume: 43, No.: 2, year: 2013
Available abstracts:
Author(s): Rušin, V.; Saniga, M.; Komžík, R.
Title: The width of helmet streamers as inferred from ground-based eclipse observations
pages: 73 -- 80
Author(s): Monstein, C.; Baluďanský, D.
Title: Solar radio observations and radio interference monitoring in Roztoky
pages: 81 -- 93
Author(s): Tsvetkov, D.Yu.; Shugarov, S.Yu.; Volkov, I.M.; Goranskij, V.P.; Pavlyuk, N.N.; Katysheva, N.A.; Barsukova, E.A.; Valeev, A.F.
Title: Optical observations of SN 2011fe
pages: 94 -- 108
Author(s): Neslušan, L.; Jakubík, M.
Title: Interstellar comets in the elliptic orbits due to the Galactic tide
pages: 109 -- 118
Author(s): Neslušan, L.; Jakubík, M.
Title: Some aspects of the cosmogonic outward migration of Neptune. Co-planar migration
pages: 119 -- 134
Author(s): Kaňuchová, Z.; Svoreň, J.
Title: Meteoroids of 1P/Halley - the list of photographic orbits
pages: 135 -- 141
Author(s): Husárik, M.
Title: Astrometry of minor planets made at the Skalnaté Pleso Observatory in 2008
pages: 142 -- 152