CAOSP abstracts, Volume: 44, No.: 2, year: 2014
Available abstracts:
Author(s): Tsvetkov, D.Yu.; Metlov, V.G.; Shugarov, S.Yu.; Tarasova, T.N.; Pavlyuk, N.N.
Title: Supernova 2014J at maximum light
pages: 67 -- 76
Author(s): Vaňko, M.; Komžík, R.; Kollár, V.; Sekeráš, M.
Title: Photoelectric photometry era at the Astronomical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences I. Instrumentation, colour system and extinction
pages: 77 -- 90
Author(s): Vaňko, M.; Komžík, R.; Kollár, V.; Sekeráš, M.
Title: Photoelectric photometry era at the Astronomical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences II. Software and reduction techniques
pages: 91 -- 108
Author(s): Kaňuchová, Z.; Svoreň, J.
Title: Southern Taurids in the IAU MDC Database. Taurid complex.
pages: 109 -- 118
Author(s): Rušin, V.; Saniga, M.; Komžík, R.
Title: White-light corona and solar polar magnetic field strength over solar cycles
pages: 119 -- 129