CAOSP abstracts, Volume: 54, No.: 1, year: 2024
Available abstracts:
Author(s): Skopal, A.; Komžík, R.
Title: Editorial
pages: 5 -- 6
Author(s): Kováčová, M.; Neslušan, L.
Title: A computer program calculating the closest approaches of asteroid to the mean orbits of meteoroid streams
pages: 7 -- 19
Author(s): Pavlenko, E.; Pit, N.; Kato, T.
Title: Negative and positive superhumps of V503 Cyg as seen in TESS data. I. Seasons 2019 and 2021
pages: 20 -- 35
Author(s): Vavrukh, M.; Dzikovskyi, D.
Title: The calculation of normal stars structure within the generalized polytropic model
pages: 36 -- 56
Author(s): Neslušan, L.; Rudawska, R.; Hajduková, M.; Ďurišová, S.; Jopek, T.J.
Title: The computer programs to check the internal consistency of the meteor-shower data
pages: 57 -- 71