činnosť organizácie
z ARL)
Kapitoly vo vedeckých monografiách vydané v zahraničných
ABC01 |
BECCIANI, Ugo - SCIACCA, Eva - COSTA, Alessandro - MASSIMINO, Piero - VITELLO, Fabio - CASSISI, Santi - PIETRINFERNI, Adriano - CASTELLI, Giuliano - KNAPIC, Cristina - SMAREGLIA, Riccardo - TAFFONI, Giuliano - VUERLI, Claudio - JAKUBÍK, Marián - NESLUŠAN, Luboš - KROKOS, Mel - ZHAO, Gong-Bo. Creating gateway alliances using WS-PGRADE/gUSE. In Science Gateways for Distributed Computing Infrastructures : Development Framework and Exploitation by Scientific User Communities. - Cham : Springer International Publishing, 2014, p. 255-270. ISBN 978-3-319-11267-1. |
ABC02 |
SANIGA, Metod. Geometry of Psychological Time. In Direction of Time. - New York : Springer International Publishing, 2014, p. 171-186. ISBN 978-3-319-02797-5. |
Vedecké práce v zahraničných karentovaných časopisoch
ADCA01 |
BODNÁROVÁ, Marcela - UTZ, Dominik - RYBÁK, Ján. On dynamics of G-band bright points. In Solar Physics, 2014, vol. 289, p. 1543-1556. (3.805 - IF2013). (2014 - Current Contents, WOS, SCOPUS, NASA ADS). ISSN 0038-0938. |
ADCA02 |
CARIKOVÁ, Zuzana - SKOPAL, Augustín. The applicability of the wind compression model : (Research note). In Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2014, vol. 570, article no. A4, p. 1-3. (4.479 - IF2013). (2014 - Current Contents, SCOPUS, NASA ADS). ISSN 0004-6361. |
ADCA03 |
ERRMANN, Ronny - TORRES, Guillermo - SCHMIDT, Tobias O.B. - SEELIGER, Martin - HOWARD, Andrew W. - MACIEJEWSKI, Gracjan - NEUHÄUSER, Ralph - MEIBOM, Soren - KELLERER, Aglae - DIMITROV, Dinko - DINCEL, Baha - MARKA, Claudia - MUGRAUER, Markus - GINSKI, Christian - ADAM, Christian - RAETZ, Stefanie - SCHMIDT, Janos - HOHLE, Markus M. - BERNDT, Alexandra - KITZE, Manfred - TREPL, Ludwig - MOUALLA, Mohammad - EISENBEISS, Thomas - FIEDLER, Simone - DATHE, Anika - GRAEFE, Christian - PAWELLEK, Nicole - SCHREYER, Katharina - KJURKCHIEVA, Diana P. - RADEVA, Veselka S. - YOTOV, Vergil - CHEN, Wen-Ping - HU, Seline Chia-Ling - WU, Zhen-Yu - ZHOU, Xu - PRIBULLA, Theodor - BUDAJ, Ján - VAŇKO, Martin - KUNDRA, Emil - HAMBÁLEK, Ľubomír - KRUSHEVSKA, Victoria - BUKOWIECKI, Lukasz - NOWAK, Grzegorz - MARSCHALL, Laurence - TERADA, Hiroshi - TOMONO, Daigo - FERNANDEZ, Matilde - SOTA, Alfredo - TAKAHASHI, Hidenori - OASA, Yumiko - BRICENO, Cesar - CHINI, Rolf - BROEG, Christopher Hans. Investigation of a transiting planet candidate in Trumpler 37: An astrophysical false positive eclipsing spectroscopic binary star. In Astronomische Nachrichten, 2014, vol. 335, no. 4, p. 345-356. (1.119 - IF2013). (2014 - Current Contents, SCOPUS, NASA ADS). ISSN 0004-6337. |
ADCA04 |
GARAI, Zoltán - ZHOU, G. - BUDAJ, Ján - STELLINGWERF, R.F. Search for circum-planetary material and orbital period variations of short period Kepler exoplanet candidates. In Astronomische Nachrichten, 2014, vol. 335, no. 10, p. 1018-1036. (1.119 - IF2013). (2014 - Current Contents, SCOPUS, NASA ADS). ISSN 0004-6337. |
ADCA05 |
GUNÁR, Stanislav - SCHWARTZ, Pavol - DUDÍK, Jaroslav - SCHMIEDER, Brigitte - HEINZEL, Petr - JURČÁK, Ján. Magnetic field and radiative transfer modelling of a quiescent prominence. In Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2014, vol. 567, article no. A123, p. 1-16. (4.479 - IF2013). (2014 - Current Contents, SCOPUS, NASA ADS). ISSN 0004-6361. |
ADCA06 |
HAJDUKOVÁ, Mária, Jr. - KORNOŠ, Leoš - TÓTH, Juraj. Frequency of hyperbolic and interstellar meteoroids. In Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 2014, vol. 49, no.1, p. 63-68. (2.827 - IF2013). (2014 - Current Contents, SCOPUS, NASA ADS). ISSN 1086-9379. |
ADCA07 |
HOLWECK, Frédéric - SANIGA, Metod - LÉVAY, Péter. A notable relation between N-qubit and 2^{N-1}-qubit Pauli group via binary LGr(N,2N). In Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications, 2014, vol. 10, article no. 041, p. 1-16. (1.299 - IF2013). (2014 - Current Contents, SCOPUS). ISSN 1815-0659. Dostupné na internete: <>. |
ADCA08 |
HORŇÁČKOVÁ, Michaela - PLAVČAN, Jozef - RAKOVSKÝ, Jozef - PORUBČAN, Vladimír - OZDIN, Daniel - VEIS, Pavel. Calibration-free laser induced breakdown spectroscopy as an alternative method for found meteorite fragments analysis. In The European Physical Journal : Applied Physics, 2014, vol. 66, article no. 10702, p. 1-10. (0.789 - IF2013). (2014 - Current Contents, NASA ADS). ISSN 1286-0042. |
ADCA09 |
HRIC, Ladislav - BREUS, Vitalij - KATYSHEVA, Natalia A. - SHUGAROV, Sergey Yu. - DUBOVSKÝ, Pavol. The new period of the intermediate polar V709 Cas. In Astronomische Nachrichten, 2014, vol. 335, no. 4, p. 362-366. (1.119 - IF2013). (2014 - Current Contents, SCOPUS, NASA ADS). ISSN 0004-6337. |
ADCA10 |
HRIC, Ladislav - GÁLIS, Rudolf - LEEDJÄRV, Laurits - BURMEISTER, Mary - KUNDRA, Emil. Outburst activity of the symbiotic system AG Dra. In Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2014, vol. 443, p. 1103-1112. (5.226 - IF2013). (2014 - Current Contents, SCOPUS, NASA ADS). ISSN 0035-8711. |
ADCA11 |
KATO, Taichi - HAMBSCH, Franz-Josef - MAEHARA, Hiroyuki - MASI, Gianluca - NOCENTINI, Francesca - DUBOVSKÝ, Pavol - KUDZEJ, Igor - IMAMURA, Kazuyoshi - OGI, Minako - TANABE, Kenji - AKAZAWA, Hidehiko - KRAJCI, Thomas - MILLER, Ian - DE MIGUEL, Enrique - HENDEN, Arne - NOGUCHI, Ryo - ISHIBASHI, Takehiro - ONO, Rikako - KAWABATA, Miho - KOBAYASHI, Hiroshi - SAKAI, Daisuke - NISHINO, Hirochika - FURUKAWA, Hisami - MASUMOTO, Kazunari - MATSUMOTO, Katsura - LITTLEFIELD, Colin - OHSHIMA, Tomohito - NAKATA, Chikako - HONDA, Satoshi - KINUGASA, Kenzo - HASHIMOTO, Osamu - STEIN, William - PICKARD, Roger - KIYOTA, Seiichiro - PAVLENKO, Elena - ANTONYUK, Oksana I. - BAKLANOV, Aleksei - ANTONYUK, Kirill - SAMSONOV, Denis A. - PIT, Nikolai - SOSNOVSKIJ, Aleksei - OKSANEN, Arto - HARLINGTEN, Caisey - TYYSKA, Jenni - MONARD, Berto - SHUGAROV, Sergey Yu. - CHOCHOL, Drahomír - KASAI, Kiyoshi - MAEDA, Yutaka - HIROSAWA, Kenji - ITOH, Hiroshi - SABO, Richard - ULOWETZ, Joseph - MORELLE, Etienne - MICHEL, Raul - SUAREZ, Genaro - JAMES, Nick - DVORAK, Shawn - VOLOSHINA, Irina - RICHMOND, Michael - STAELS, Bart - BOYD, David - ANDREEV, Maksim V. - PARAKHIN, Nikolay A. - KATYSHEVA, Natalia A. - MIYASHITA, Atsushi - NAKAJIMA, Kazuhiro - BOLT, Greg - PADOVAN, Stefano - NELSON, Peter - STARKEY, Donn - BUCZYNSKI, Denis - STARR, Peter - GOFF, William N. - DENISENKO, Denis - KOCHANEK, Christopher S. - SHAPPEE, Benjamin - STANEK, Krzysztof Z. - PRIETO, Jose L. - ITAGAKI, Koh-ichi - KANEKO, Shizuo - STUBBINGS, Rod - MUYLLAERT, Eddy - SHEARS, Jeremy - SCHMEER, Patrick - POYNER, Gary - RODRIGUEZ-MARCO, Miguel. Survey of period variations of superhumps in SU UMa-type dwarf novae. V. The fifth year (2012-2013). In Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 2014, vol. 66, no. 2, article no. 30, p. 1-83. (2.009 - IF2013). (2014 - Current Contents). ISSN 0004-6264. |
ADCA12 |
KATO, Taichi - DUBOVSKÝ, Pavol - KUDZEJ, Igor - HAMBSCH, Franz-Josef - MILLER, Ian - OHSHIMA, Tomohito - NAKATA, Chikako - KAWABATA, Miho - NISHINO, Hirochika - MASUMOTO, Kazunari - MIZOGUCHI, Sahori - YAMANAKA, Masayuki - MATSUMOTO, Katsura - SAKAI, Daisuke - FUKUSHIMA, Daiki - MATSUURA, Minami - BOUNO, Genki - TAKENAKA, Megumi - NAKAGAWA, Shinichi - NOGUCHI, Ryo - IINO, Eriko - PICKARD, Roger - MAEDA, Yutaka - HENDEN, Arne - KASAI, Kiyoshi - KIYOTA, Seiichiro - AKAZAWA, Hidehiko - IMAMURA, Kazuyoshi - DE MIGUEL, Enrique - MAEHARA, Hiroyuki - MONARD, Berto - PAVLENKO, Elena - ANTONYUK, Kirill - PIT, Nikolai - ANTONYUK, Oksana I. - BAKLANOV, Aleksei - RUIZ, Javier - RICHMOND, Michael - OKSANEN, Arto - HARLINGTEN, Caisey - SHUGAROV, Sergey Yu. - CHOCHOL, Drahomír - MASI, Gianluca - NOCENTINI, Francesca - SCHMEER, Patrick - BOLT, Greg - NELSON, Peter - ULOWETZ, Joseph - SABO, Richard - GOFF, William N. - STEIN, William - MICHEL, Raul - DVORAK, Shawn - VOLOSHINA, Irina - METLOV, Vladimir G. - KATYSHEVA, Natalia A. - NEUSTROEV, Vitaly V. - SJOBERG, George - LITTLEFIELD, Colin - DEBSKI, Bartlomiej - SOWICKA, Paulina - KLIMASZEWSKI, Marcin - CURYLO, Malgorzata - MORELLE, Etienne - CURTIS, Ivan A. - IWAMATSU, Hidetoshi - BUTTERWORTH, Neil - ANDREEV, Maksim V. - PARAKHIN, Nikolay A. - SKLYANOV, Aleksandr - SHIOKAWA, Kazuhiko - NOVÁK, Rudolf - IRSMAMBETOVA, Tatyana R. - ITOH, Hiroshi - ITO, Yoshiharu - HIROSAWA, Kenji - DENISENKO, Denis - KOCHANEK, Christopher S. - SHAPPEE, Benjamin - STANEK, Krzysztof Z. - PRIETO, Jose L. - ITAGAKI, Koh-ichi - STUBBINGS, Rod - RIPERO, Jose - MUYLLAERT, Eddy - POYNER, Gary. Survey of period variations of superhumps in SU UMa-type dwarf novae. VI. The sixth year (2013-2014). In Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 2014, vol. 66, no. 5, article no. 90, p. 1-71. (2.009 - IF2013). (2014 - Current Contents). ISSN 0004-6264. |
ADCA13 |
KATO, Taichi - OHSHIMA, Tomohito - DENISENKO, Denis - DUBOVSKÝ, Pavol - KUDZEJ, Igor - STEIN, William - DE MIGUEL, Enrique - HENDEN, Arne - MILLER, Ian - ANTONYUK, Kirill - ANTONYUK, Oksana I. - PIT, Nikolai - SOSNOVSKIJ, Aleksei - BAKLANOV, Aleksei - BABINA, Julia - PAVLENKO, Elena - MASUMOTO, Kazunari - FUKUSHIMA, Daiki - TAKENAKA, Megumi - KAWABATA, Miho - SAKAI, Daisuke - MAEDA, Kazuki - MATSUDA, Risa - MATSUMOTO, Katsura - LITTLEFIELD, Colin - OKSANEN, Arto - ITOH, Hiroshi - MASI, Gianluca - NOCENTINI, Francesca - SCHMEER, Patrick - PICKARD, Roger - KIYOTA, Seiichiro - DVORAK, Shawn - ULOWETZ, Joseph - MAEDA, Yutaka - MICHEL, Raul - SHUGAROV, Sergey Yu. - CHOCHOL, Drahomír - NOVÁK, Rudolf. Superoutburst of SDSS J090221.35+381941.9: First measurement of mass ratio in an AM CVn-type object using growing superhumps. In Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 2014, vol. 66, no. 5, article no. L7, p. 1-7. (2.009 - IF2013). (2014 - Current Contents). ISSN 0004-6264. |
ADCA14 |
KOHOUT, Tomáš - HAVRILA, Karol - TÓTH, Juraj - HUSÁRIK, Marek - GRITSEVICH, Maria - BRITT, Daniel - BOROVIČKA, Jiří - SPURNÝ, Pavel - IGAZ, Antal - SVOREŇ, Ján - KORNOŠ, Leoš - VEREŠ, Peter - KOZA, Július - ZIGO, Pavol - GAJDOŠ, Štefan - VILÁGI, Jozef - ČAPEK, David - KRIŠANDOVÁ, Zuzana - TOMKO, Dušan - ŠILHA, Jiří - SCHUNOVÁ, Eva - BODNÁROVÁ, Marcela - BÚZOVÁ, Diana - KREJČOVÁ, Tereza. Density, porosity and magnetic susceptibility of the Košice meteorite shower and homogeneity of its parent meteoroid. In Planetary and Space Science, 2014, vol. 93-94, p. 96-100. (1.630 - IF2013). (2014 - Current Contents, SCOPUS, NASA ADS). ISSN 0032-0633. |
ADCA15 |
KOZA, Július - HAMMERSCHLAG, Robert H. - RYBÁK, Ján - GÖMÖRY, Peter - KUČERA, Aleš - SCHWARTZ, Pavol. Transmission profile of the Dutch Open Telescope H_alpha Lyot filter. In Astronomische Nachrichten, 2014, vol. 335, no. 4, p. 409-416. (1.119 - IF2013). (2014 - Current Contents, SCOPUS, NASA ADS). ISSN 0004-6337. |
ADCA16 |
LOUIS, Rohan Eugene - BALTHASAR, Horst - KUCKEIN, Christoph - GÖMÖRY, Peter - PUSCHMANN, Klaus Gerhard - DENKER, Carsten. The association between sunspot mangnetic fields and superpenumbral fibrils. In Astronomische Nachrichten, 2014, vol. 335, no. 2, p. 161-167. (1.119 - IF2013). (2014 - Current Contents, SCOPUS, NASA ADS). ISSN 0004-6337. |
ADCA17 |
MACIEJEWSKI, Gracjan - OHLERT, Johannes - DIMITROV, Dinko - PUCHALSKI, Damian - NEDOROŠČIK, Jozef - VAŇKO, Martin - MARKA, Claudia - BAAR, Stefan - RAETZ, Stefanie - SEELIGER, Martin - NEUHÄUSER, Ralph. Revisiting parameters for the WASP-1 planetary system. In Acta Astronomica, 2014, vol. 64, p. 27-43. (1.955 - IF2013). (2014 - Current Contents). ISSN 0001-5237. |
ADCA18 |
MÉSZÁROSOVÁ, Hana - KARLICKÝ, Marian - JELÍNEK, Petr - RYBÁK, Ján. Magnetoacoustic waves propagating along a dense slab and Harris current sheet and their wavelet spectra. In The Astrophysical Journal, 2014, vol. 788, article no. 44, p. 1-10. (6.280 - IF2013). (2014 - Current Contents, WOS, SCOPUS, NASA ADS). ISSN 0004-637X. |
ADCA19 |
NESLUŠAN, Luboš - HAJDUKOVÁ, Mária, Jr.. The meteor-shower complex of comet C/1917 F1 (Mellish). In Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2014, vol. 566, article no. A33, p. 1-9. (4.479 - IF2013). (2014 - Current Contents, SCOPUS, NASA ADS). ISSN 0004-6361. |
ADCA20 |
NESLUŠAN, Luboš. The meteoroid streams crossing the frequently outbursting comet 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann. In Planetary and Space Science, 2014, vol. 101, p. 162-169. (1.630 - IF2013). (2014 - Current Contents, SCOPUS, NASA ADS). ISSN 0032-0633. |
ADCA21 |
NESLUŠAN, Luboš - PORUBČAN, Vladimír - SVOREŇ, Ján. IAU MDC Photographic Meteor Orbits Database: Version 2013. In Earth, Moon, and Planets, 2014, vol. 111, p. 105-114. (0.438 - IF2013). (2014 - Current Contents, SCOPUS, NASA ADS). ISSN 0167-9295. |
ADCA22 |
OHSHIMA, Tomohito - KATO, Taichi - PAVLENKO, Elena - AKAZAWA, Hidehiko - IMAMURA, Kazuyoshi - TANABE, Kenji - DE MIGUEL, Enrique - STEIN, William - ITOH, Hiroshi - HAMBSCH, Franz-Josef - DUBOVSKÝ, Pavol - KUDZEJ, Igor - KRAJCI, Thomas - BAKLANOV, Aleksei - SAMSONOV, Denis A. - ANTONYUK, Oksana I. - MALANUSHENKO, Viktor - ANDREEV, Maksim V. - NOGUCHI, Ryo - OGURA, Kazuyuki - NOMOTO, Takashi - ONO, Rikako - NAKAGAWA, Shinichi - TANIUCHI, Keisuke - AOKI, Tomoya - KAWABATA, Miho - KIMURA, Hitoshi - MASUMOTO, Kazunari - KOBAYASHI, Hiroshi - MATSUMOTO, Katsura - SHIOKAWA, Kazuhiko - SHUGAROV, Sergey Yu. - KATYSHEVA, Natalia A. - VOLOSHINA, Irina - ZEMKO, Polina - KASAI, Kiyoshi - RUIZ, Javier - MAEHARA, Hiroyuki - VIRNINA, Natalia A. - VIRTANEN, Jani - MILLER, Ian - BOITNOTT, Boyd - LITTLEFIELD, Colin - JAMES, Nick - TORDAI, Tamas - ROBERT, Fidrich - PADOVAN, Stefano - MIYASHITA, Atsushi. Study of negative and positive superhumps in ER Ursae Majoris. In Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 2014, vol. 66, no. 4, article no. 67, p. 1-22. (2.009 - IF2013). (2014 - Current Contents). ISSN 0004-6264. |
ADCA23 |
PERNA, Davide - ALVAREZ-CANDAL, Alvaro - FORNASIER, Sonia - KAŇUCHOVÁ, Zuzana - GIULIATTI WINTER, Silvia M. - VIEIRA NETO, Ernesto - GIULIATTI WINTER, Silvia M. The triple near-Earth asteroid (153591) 2001 SN263: an ultra-blue, primitive target for the Aster space mission. In Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2014, vol. 568, article no. L6, p. 1-4. (4.479 - IF2013). (2014 - Current Contents, SCOPUS, NASA ADS). ISSN 0004-6361. |
ADCA24 |
PRIBULLA, Theodor - SEBASTIAN, Daniel - AMMLER-VON EIFF, Matthias - STAHL, Otmar - BERNDT, Alexandra - CHINI, Rolf - HOFFMEISTER, Vera - MUGRAUER, Markus - NEUHÄUSER, Ralph - VAŇKO, Martin. Cerro Armazones spectroscopic survey of F dwarfs. In Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2014, vol. 443, p. 2815-2823. (5.226 - IF2013). (2014 - Current Contents, SCOPUS, NASA ADS). ISSN 0035-8711. |
ADCA25 |
RAETZ, Stefanie - MACIEJEWSKI, Gracjan - GINSKI, Christian - MUGRAUER, Markus - BERNDT, Alexandra - EISENBEISS, Thomas - ADAM, Christian - RAETZ, Manfred - ROELL, Tristan - SEELIGER, Martin - MARKA, Claudia - VAŇKO, Martin - BUKOWIECKI, Lukasz - ERRMANN, Ronny - KITZE, Manfred - OHLERT, Johannes - PRIBULLA, Theodor - SCHMIDT, Janos - SEBASTIAN, Daniel - PUCHALSKI, Damian - TETZLAFF, Nina - HOHLE, Markus M. - SCHMIDT, Tobias O.B. - NEUHÄUSER, Ralph. Transit timing of TrES-2: a combined analysis of ground- and space- based photometry. In Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2014, vol. 444, p. 1351-1368. (5.226 - IF2013). (2014 - Current Contents, SCOPUS, NASA ADS). ISSN 0035-8711. |
ADCA26 |
SKOPAL, Augustín - DRECHSEL, Horst - TARASOVA, Taissiia Natasha - KATO, Taichi - FUJII, Mitsugu - TEYSSIER, Francois - GARDE, Olivier - GUARRO, Joan - EDLIN, James - BUIL, Christian - ANTAO, David - TERRY, Jean-Noel - LEMOULT, Thierry - CHARBONNEL, Stéphane - BOHLSEN, Terry - FAVARO, Andre - GRAHAM, Keith. Early evolution of the extraordinary Nova Delphini 2013 (V339 Del). In Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2014, vol. 569, article no. A112, p. 1-14. (4.479 - IF2013). (2014 - Current Contents, SCOPUS, NASA ADS). ISSN 0004-6361. |
ADCA27 |
SU, Yang - GÖMÖRY, Peter - VERONIG, Astrid - TEMMER, Manuela - WANG, Tongjiang - VANNINATHAN, Kamalam - GAN, Weiqun - LI, YouPing. Solar magnetized tornadoes: rotational motion in a tornado-like prominence. In The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2014, vol. 785, article no. L2, p. 1-6. (5.602 - IF2013). (2014 - Current Contents, SCOPUS, NASA ADS). ISSN 2041-8205. |
ADCA28 |
ZEMKO, Polina - ORIO, Marina - MUKAI, Koji - SHUGAROV, Sergey Yu.. X-ray observations of VY Scl-type nova-like binaries in the high and low state. In Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2014, vol. 445, p. 869-880. (5.226 - IF2013). (2014 - Current Contents, SCOPUS, NASA ADS). ISSN 0035-8711. |
Vedecké práce v zahraničných nekarentovaných časopisoch
ADEA01 |
AUBÉ, Martin - ROBY, Johanne - KOCIFAJ, Miroslav. Evaluating potential spectral impacts of various artificial lights on melatonin suppression, photosynthesis, and star visibility. In PLoS ONE, 2013, vol. 8, no. 7, article no. E67798, p. 1-15. (3.730 - IF2012). (2013 - MEDLINE). ISSN 1932-6203. |
Vedecké práce v zahraničných nekarentovaných časopisoch
ADEB01 |
KOZA, Július. Chromospheric fine structure didactically. In Central European Astrophysical Bulletin, 2014, vol. 38, p. 38-52. (2014 - NASA ADS). ISSN 1845-8319. |
ADEB02 |
NESLUŠAN, Luboš. The solutions of the Maxwell equations related to the atom: Atom as a crystal-type structure. In Quantum Matter, 2014, vol. 3, p. 261-272. ISSN 2164-7615. Dostupné na internete: <>. |
ADEB03 |
NESLUŠAN, Luboš. Non-trivial linkup of both compact-neutron-object and outer-empty-space metrics. In International Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2014, vol. 4, p. 1-10. ISSN 2161-4717. Dostupné na internete: <>. |
ADEB04 |
NESLUŠAN, Luboš. Another way of the continuous linkup of neutron-star-body and surrounding empty-space metrics. In International Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2014, vol. 4, p. 399-413. ISSN 2161-4717. Dostupné na internete: <>. |
Vedecké práce v domácich nekarentovaných časopisoch
ADFA01 |
BARSUNOVA, Olga Yu. - MEĽNIKOV, Stanislav Yu. - GRININ, Vladimir P. - KATYSHEVA, Natalia A. - SHUGAROV, Sergey Yu.. NZ Ser: the results of the analysis of the 25 years photometric activity : Proceedings of the Workshop Observing Techniques, Instrumentation and Science for Metre-Class Telescopes. Edited by Theodor Pribulla and Richard Komžík. In Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnaté Pleso, 2014, vol.43, article no. BP02, p. 416-418. (0.312 - IF2013). (2014 - WOS, SCOPUS, NASA ADS). ISSN 1335-1842. |
ADFA02 |
ČOKINA, Michal - PARIMUCHA, Štefan - VAŇKO, Martin. autoObserver - automatic generation of observing schedules : Proceedings of the Workshop Observing Techniques, Instrumentation and Science for Metre-Class Telescopes. Edited by Theodor Pribulla and Richard Komžík. In Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnaté Pleso, 2014, vol. 43, article no. BP26, p. 473-474. (0.312 - IF2013). (2014 - WOS, SCOPUS, NASA ADS). ISSN 1335-1842. |
ADFA03 |
ESIPOV, Valentin F. - KOLOTILOV, Eugene - KOMISSAROVA, Galina - SHENAVRIN, Viktor, I. - SHUGAROV, Sergey Yu. - TARASOVA, Taissiia Natasha - TATARNIKOV, Andrey M. - TATARNIKOVA, Anna A. Spectral and photometric monitoring of the classical symbiotic star V1413 Aql in 2008-2013 : Proceedings of the Workshop Observing Techniques, Instrumentation and Science for Metre-Class Telescopes. Edited by Theodor Pribulla and Richard Komžík. In Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnaté Pleso, 2014, vol. 43, article no. BP32, p. 485-486. (0.312 - IF2013). (2014 - WOS, SCOPUS, NASA ADS). ISSN 1335-1842. |
ADFA04 |
GARAI, Zoltán - BUDAJ, Ján. Short-period Kepler exoplanet candidates: search for a circum-planetary material : Proceedings of the Workshop Observing Techniques, Instrumentation and Science for Metre-Class Telescopes. Edited by Theodor Pribulla and Richard Komžík. In Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnaté Pleso, 2014, vol. 43, article no. BP08, p. 431-433. (0.312 - IF2013). (2014 - WOS, SCOPUS, NASA ADS). ISSN 1335-1842. |
ADFA05 |
GOLYSHEVA, Polina Yu. - SHUGAROV, Sergey Yu.. Multicolor photometric monitoring of a new WZ Sge-type star in Aquila : Proceedings of the Workshop Observing Techniques, Instrumentation and Science for Metre-Class Telescopes. Edited by Theodor Pribulla and Richard Komžík. In Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnaté Pleso, 2014, vol. 43, article no. B10, p. 312-318. (0.312 - IF2013). (2014 - WOS, SCOPUS, NASA ADS). ISSN 1335-1842. |
ADFA06 |
HAMBÁLEK, Ľubomír - KREJČOVÁ, Tereza. Planetary occultations from KEPLER data : Proceedings of the Workshop Observing Techniques, Instrumentation and Science for Metre-Class Telescopes. Edited by Theodor Pribulla and Richard Komžík. In Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnaté Pleso, 2014, vol. 43, article no BP10, p. 438-439. (0.312 - IF2013). (2014 - WOS, SCOPUS, NASA ADS). ISSN 1335-1842. |
ADFA07 |
HUSÁRIK, Marek. Asteroid photometry achieved with small telescopes : Proceedings of the Workshop Observing Techniques, Instrumentation and Science for Metre-Class Telescopes. Edited by Theodor Pribulla and Richard Komžík. In Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnaté Pleso, 2014, vol. 43, article no. B02, p. 266-273. (0.312 - IF2013). (2014 - WOS, SCOPUS, NASA ADS). ISSN 1335-1842. |
ADFA08 |
CHOCHOL, Drahomír - SHUGAROV, Sergey Yu. - PRIBULLA, Theodor - VOLKOV, Igor. Photometry and spectroscopy of the classical nova V339 Del (Nova Del 2013) in the first month after outburst : Proceedings of the Workshop Observing Techniques, Instrumentation and Science for Metre-Class Telescopes. Edited by Theodor Pribulla and Richard Komžík. In Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnaté Pleso, 2014, vol. 43, article no. B13, p. 330-337. (0.312 - IF2013). (2014 - WOS, SCOPUS, NASA ADS). ISSN 1335-1842. |
ADFA09 |
JAKUBÍK, Marián - NESLUŠAN, Luboš. The accumulations of solids beyond the primordial Jupiter and Saturn to form the ice-giant cores. In Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnaté Pleso, 2014, vol. 44, p. 5-18. (0.312 - IF2013). (2014 - WOS, SCOPUS, NASA ADS). ISSN 1335-1842. |
ADFA10 |
KAŇUCHOVÁ, Zuzana - SVOREŇ, Ján. Southern Taurids in the IAU MDC Database. Taurid complex. In Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnaté Pleso, 2014, vol. 44, p. 109-118. (0.312 - IF2013). (2014 - WOS, SCOPUS, NASA ADS). ISSN 1335-1842. |
ADFA11 |
KATYSHEVA, Natalia A. - CHOCHOL, Drahomír - SHUGAROV, Sergey Yu.. The photometric observations of new WZ Sge-type systems with small telescopes : Proceedings of the Workshop Observing Techniques, Instrumentation and Science for Metre-Class Telescopes. Edited by Theodor Pribulla and Richard Komžík. In Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnaté Pleso, 2014, vol. 43, article no. B09, p. 306-311. (0.312 - IF2013). (2014 - WOS, SCOPUS, NASA ADS). ISSN 1335-1842. |
ADFA12 |
KATYSHEVA, Natalia A. - ZHAROVA, Alla V. - SHUGAROV, Sergey Yu.. The investigation of Nova M31 2005-13 with small telescopes : Proceedings of the Workshop Observing Techniques, Instrumentation and Science for Metre-Class Telescopes. Edited by Theodor Pribulla and Richard Komžík. In Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnaté Pleso, 2014, vol. 43, article no. BP15, p. 447-450. (0.312 - IF2013). (2014 - WOS, SCOPUS, NASA ADS). ISSN 1335-1842. |
ADFA13 |
KOZA, Július - RYBÁK, Ján - GÖMÖRY, Peter - KUČERA, Aleš. Inferring spectral characteristics of the H_alpha spectral line observed by the DOT Lyot filter. In Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnaté Pleso, 2014, vol. 44, p. 43-60. (0.312 - IF2013). (2014 - WOS, SCOPUS, NASA ADS). ISSN 1335-1842. |
ADFA14 |
KRIŠANDOVÁ, Zuzana - IVANOVA, Oleksandra - SVOREŇ, Ján - BORISENKO, Serhii - ANDREEV, Maksim V. Photometry of Comet C/2012 - S1 (ISON) : Proceedings of the Workshop Observing Techniques, Instrumentation and Science for Metre-Class Telescopes. Edited by Theodor Pribulla and Richard Komžík. In Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnaté Pleso, 2014, vol. 43, article no. BP18, p. 455-457. (0.312 - IF2013). (2014 - WOS, SCOPUS, NASA ADS). ISSN 1335-1842. |
ADFA15 |
KUNDRA, Emil - HRIC, Ladislav. The large outbursts studied by small telesopes - the case of RS Oph : Proceedings of the Workshop Observing Techniques, Instrumentation and Science for Metre-Class Telescopes. Edited by Theodor Pribulla and Richard Komžík. In Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnaté Pleso, 2014, vol. 43, article no. BP20, p. 459-460. (0.312 - IF2013). (2014 - WOS, SCOPUS, NASA ADS). ISSN 1335-1842. |
ADFA16 |
NEDOROŠČIK, Jozef - VAŇKO, Martin - PRIBULLA, Theodor. Eclipsing binaries in the ASAS survey : Proceedings of the Workshop Observing Techniques, Instrumentation and Science for Metre-Class Telescopes. Edited by Theodor Pribulla and Richard Komžík. In Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnaté Pleso, 2014, vol. 43, article no. BP23, p. 465-467. (0.312 - IF2013). (2014 - WOS, SCOPUS, NASA ADS). ISSN 1335-1842. |
ADFA17 |
PLÁVALOVÁ, Eva. Why is it necessary to establish a classification of etra-solar planets? : Proceedings of the Workshop Observing Techniques, Instrumentation and Science for Metre-Class Telescopes. Edited by Theodor Pribulla and Richard Komžík. In Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnaté Pleso, 2014, vol. 43, article no. BP28, p. 477-478. (0.312 - IF2013). (2014 - WOS, SCOPUS, NASA ADS). ISSN 1335-1842. |
ADFA18 |
PRIBULLA, Theodor - VAŇKO, Martin - DWARF TEAM. The Dwarf project. First results : Proceedings of the Workshop Observing Techniques, Instrumentation and Science for Metre-Class Telescopes. Edited by Theodor Pribulla and Richard Komžík. In Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnaté Pleso, 2014, vol. 43, article no. B20, p. 375-381. (0.312 - IF2013). (2014 - WOS, SCOPUS, NASA ADS). ISSN 1335-1842. |
ADFA19 |
RUŠIN, Vojtech - SANIGA, Metod - KOMŽÍK, Richard. White-light corona and solar polar magnetic field strength over solar cycles. In Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnaté Pleso, 2014, vol. 44, p. 119-129. (0.312 - IF2013). (2014 - WOS, SCOPUS, NASA ADS). ISSN 1335-1842. |
ADFA20 |
SEKERÁŠ, Matej - SKOPAL, Augustín. Examples of scattering processes in symbiotic binaries : Proceedings of the Workshop Observing Techniques, Instrumentation and Science for Metre-Class Telescopes. Edited by Theodor Pribulla and Richard Komžík. In Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnaté Pleso, 2014, vol. 43, article no. BP30, p. 480-482. (0.312 - IF2013). (2014 - WOS, SCOPUS, NASA ADS). ISSN 1335-1842. |
ADFA21 |
SHAGATOVA, Natalia - SKOPAL, Augustín. The density of neutral wind in symbiotic binary and its orbital inclination: the case of Z And : Proceedings of the Workshop Observing Techniques, Instrumentation and Science for Metre-Class Telescopes. Edited by Theodor Pribulla and Richard Komžík. In Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnaté Pleso, 2014, vol.43, article no. BP31, p. 483-484. (0.312 - IF2013). (2014 - WOS, SCOPUS, NASA ADS). ISSN 1335-1842. |
ADFA22 |
SKOPAL, Augustín. Astrophysics of symbiotic stars with small telescopes : Proceedings of the Workshop Observing Techniques, Instrumentation and Science for Metre-Class Telescopes. Edited by Theodor Pribulla and Richard Komžík. In Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnaté Pleso, 2014, vol. 43, article no. B03, p. 274-281. (0.312 - IF2013). (2014 - WOS, SCOPUS, NASA ADS). ISSN 1335-1842. |
ADFA23 |
SVOREŇ, Ján. Astrometry of comets made at the Skalnaté Pleso Observatory in the year 2003. In Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnaté Pleso, 2014, vol.44, p. 19-32. (0.312 - IF2013). (2014 - WOS, SCOPUS, NASA ADS). ISSN 1335-1842. |
ADFA24 |
TOMKO, Dušan. Prediction of evolution of meteor shower associated with comet 122P/de Vico. In Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnaté Pleso, 2014, vol. 44, p. 33-42. (0.312 - IF2013). (2014 - WOS, SCOPUS, NASA ADS). ISSN 1335-1842. |
ADFA25 |
TSVETKOV, Dmitry Yu. - PAVLYUK, Nikolaj N. - VOLKOV, Igor - SHUGAROV, Sergey Yu.. Photometric monitoring of bright supernovae : Proceedings of the Workshop Observing Techniques, Instrumentation and Science for Metre-Class Telescopes. Edited by Theodor Pribulla and Richard Komžík. In Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnaté Pleso, 2014, vol. 43, article no. B15, p. 351-356. (0.312 - IF2013). (2014 - WOS, SCOPUS, NASA ADS). ISSN 1335-1842. |
ADFA26 |
TSVETKOV, Dmitry Yu. - METLOV, Vladimir G. - SHUGAROV, Sergey Yu. - TARASOVA, Taissiia Natasha - PAVLYUK, Nikolaj N. Supernova 2014J at maximum light. In Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnaté Pleso, 2014, vol. 44, p. 67-76. (0.312 - IF2013). (2014 - WOS, SCOPUS, NASA ADS). ISSN 1335-1842. |
ADFA27 |
VAŇKO, Martin - KOMŽÍK, Richard - KOLLÁR, Vladimír - SEKERÁŠ, Matej. Photoelectric photometry era at the Astronomical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences I. Instrumentation, colour system and extinction. In Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnaté Pleso, 2014, vol. 44, p. 77-90. (0.312 - IF2013). (2014 - WOS, SCOPUS, NASA ADS). ISSN 1335-1842. |
ADFA28 |
VAŇKO, Martin - KOMŽÍK, Richard - KOLLÁR, Vladimír - SEKERÁŠ, Matej. Photoelectric photometry era at the Astronomical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences II. Software and reduction techniques. In Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnaté Pleso, 2014, vol. 44, p. 91-108. (0.312 - IF2013). (2014 - WOS, SCOPUS, NASA ADS). ISSN 1335-1842. |
ADFA29 |
VOLKOV, Igor - CHOCHOL, Drahomír. Apsidal motion in BW Aqr : Proceedings of the Workshop Observing Techniques, Instrumentation and Science for Metre-Class Telescopes. Edited by Theodor Pribulla and Richard Komžík. In Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnaté Pleso, 2014, vol. 43, article no. BP03, p. 419-421. (0.312 - IF2013). (2014 - WOS, SCOPUS, NASA ADS). ISSN 1335-1842. |
ADFA30 |
ZEMKO, Polina - SHUGAROV, Sergey Yu. - KATO, Taichi - KATYSHEVA, Natalia A. Study of a long and short-term variability of ER Ursae Majoris : Proceedings of the Workshop Observing Techniques, Instrumentation and Science for Metre-Class Telescopes. Edited by Theodor Pribulla and Richard Komžík. In Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnaté Pleso, 2014, vol. 43, article no. B11, p. 319-324. (0.312 - IF2013). (2014 - WOS, SCOPUS, NASA ADS). ISSN 1335-1842. |
Vedecké práce v domácich nekarentovaných časopisoch
ADFB01 |
HUSÁRIK, Marek - VAŠKOVÁ, Radka. Konvexné 3D modely tvarov asteroidov (2501) Lohja, (3657) Ermolova a (5325) Silver. In Meteorické správy Slovenskej astronomickej spoločnosti pri SAV, 2014, č. 35, s. 13-24. |
ADFB02 |
JOPEK, Tadeusz J. - KAŇUCHOVÁ, Zuzana. Aktuálny stav IAU MDC databázy meteorických rojov. In Meteorické správy Slovenskej astronomickej spoločnosti pri SAV, 2014, č. 35, s. 1-12. |
ADFB03 |
KORNOŠ, Leoš - TÓTH, Juraj - PORUBČAN, Vladimír - RUDAWSKA, Regina - KLAČKA, Jozef - NAGY, Roman. Štruktúra a vývoj Lyríd. In Meteorické správy Slovenskej astronomickej spoločnosti pri SAV, 2014, č. 35, s. 25-34. |
Vedecké práce v zahraničných recenzovaných vedeckých
zborníkoch (aj konferenčných), monografiách
AEC01 |
BUČEK, Marek - PORUBČAN, Vladimír. Taurid meteor complex. In Meteoroids 2013, Proceedings of the Astronomical Conference. Edited by Tadeusz J. Jopek, Frans J.M. Rietmeijer, Junichi Watanabe and Iwan P. Williams. - Poznan : University Press, 2014, p. 193-197. ISBN 978-83-232-2726-7. |
AEC02 |
HAJDUKOVÁ, Mária, Jr. - KORNOŠ, Leoš - TÓTH, Juraj. Hyperbolic Orbits in the EDMOND. In Meteoroids 2013, Proceedings of the Astronomical Conference. Edited by Tadeusz J. Jopek, Frans J.M. Rietmeijer, Junichi Watanabe and Iwan P. Williams. - Poznan : University Press, 2014, p. 289-295. ISBN 978-83-232-2726-7. |
AEC03 |
JOPEK, Tadeusz J. - KAŇUCHOVÁ, Zuzana. Current status of the IAU MDC Meteor Showers Database. In Meteoroids 2013, Proceedings of the Astronomical Conference. Edited by Tadeusz J. Jopek, Frans J.M. Rietmeijer, Junichi Watanabe and Iwan P. Williams. - Poznan : University Press, 2014, p. 353-364. ISBN 978-83-232-2726-7. |
AEC04 |
KAŇUCHOVÁ, Zuzana - BARATTA, Giuseppe Antonio. Micro-Raman spectroscopy of meteorite Košice. In Meteoroids 2013, Proceedings of the Astronomical Conference. Edited by Tadeusz J. Jopek, Frans J.M. Rietmeijer, Junichi Watanabe and Iwan P. Williams. - Poznan : University Press, 2014, p. 141-146. ISBN 978-83-232-2726-7. |
AEC05 |
KORNOŠ, Leoš - MATLOVIČ, Pavol - RUDAWSKA, Regina - TÓTH, Juraj - HAJDUKOVÁ, Mária, Jr. - KOUKAL, Jakub - PIFFL, Roman. Confirmation and characterization of IAU temporary meteor showers in EDMOND database. In Meteoroids 2013, Proceedings of the Astronomical Conference. Edited by Tadeusz J. Jopek, Frans J.M. Rietmeijer, Junichi Watanabe and Iwan P. Williams. - Poznan : University Press, 2014, p. 225-233. ISBN 978-83-232-2726-7. |
AEC06 |
KUNDRA, Emil - PRIBULLA, Theodor - VAŇKO, Martin - HAMBÁLEK, Ľubomír. Eclipsing binaries: Precise clocks to detect extrasolar planets. In Formation, Detection, and Characterization of Extrasolar Habitable Planets : Proceedings of the 293rd symposium of the IAU held in Beijing, China, August 27-31, 2012. Vol. 293. Edited by Nader Haghighipour. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2014, p. 165-167. ISBN 9781107033825. |
AEC07 |
NESLUŠAN, Luboš - KAŇUCHOVÁ, Zuzana - TOMKO, Dušan. The ecliptic-toroidal structure of the meteor complex of comet 96P/Machholz. In Meteoroids 2013, Proceedings of the Astronomical Conference. Edited by Tadeusz J. Jopek, Frans J.M. Rietmeijer, Junichi Watanabe and Iwan P. Williams. - Poznan : University Press, 2014, p. 235-242. ISBN 978-83-232-2726-7. |
AEC08 |
SCHWARTZ, Pavol - AMBRÓZ, Jaroslav - GÖMÖRY, Peter - KOZÁK, Matúš - KUČERA, Aleš - RYBÁK, Ján - TOMCZYK, Steve - SEWELL, Scott - AUMILLER, Phil - SUMMERS, Rich - SUTHERLAND, Lee - WATT, Andy. Coronal Multi-Channel Polarimeter at the Lomnicky Peak Observatory. In Nature of Prominences and their Role in Space Weather : IAU Symposium Proceedings vol. 300. Edited by Brigitte Schmieder, Jean-Marie Malherbe and Shi Tsan Wu. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2014, p. 521-522. ISBN 978-1-107-04519-4. |
AEC09 |
SCHWARTZ, Pavol - HEINZEL, Petr - KOTRČ, Pavel - FÁRNÍK, František - KUPRYAKOV, Yurij Alexejevič - DELUCA, Edward E. - GOLUB, Leon. Total mass loading of prominences estimated from their multi-spectral observations. In Nature of Prominences and their Role in Space Weather : IAU Symposium Proceedings vol. 300. Edited by Brigitte Schmieder, Jean-Marie Malherbe and Shi Tsan Wu. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2014, p. 458-459. ISBN 978-1-107-04519-4. |
AEC10 |
TOMKO, Dušan - NESLUŠAN, Luboš. Prediction of meteor shower of comet 161P/2004 V2. In Meteoroids 2013, Proceedings of the Astronomical Conference. Edited by Tadeusz J. Jopek, Frans J.M. Rietmeijer, Junichi Watanabe and Iwan P. Williams. - Poznan : University Press, 2014, p. 243-249. ISBN 978-83-232-2726-7. |
Vedecké práce v zahraničných nerecenzovaných vedeckých
zborníkoch (aj konferenčných), monografiách
AEE01 |
GARAI, Zoltán. Short-period Kepler exoplanet candidates: search for comet-like tails and orbital period variations. In Wykorzystanie Malych Teleskopov 2013 : Materialy Konferencji, Krakow - Koninky, 10-12 maja 2013. Edited by Katarzyna Bajan, Waldemar Ogloza, Grzegorz Stachowski and Bartlomiej Zakrzewski. - Krakow : Universitet Pedagogiczny : Polskie Towarzystwo Milosnikow Astronomii, 2014, p. 177-183. ISSN 1230-2295. |
AEE02 |
HAJDUKOVÁ, Mária, Jr.. Observed and real orbital dispersion within meteoroid streams. In Proceedings of the International Meteor Conference, Poznan, Poland, 22-25 August 2013. Edited by Marc Gyssens, Paul Roggemans and Przemyslew Zoladek. - Hove : International Meteor Organization, 2014, p. 91-95. ISBN 978-2-87355-025-7. |
AEE03 |
NEDOROŠČIK, Jozef - VAŇKO, Martin - PRIBULLA, Theodor. Fourier analysis of ASAS light-curves of eclipsing binaries. In Wykorzystanie Malych Teleskopov 2013 : Materialy Konferencji, Krakow - Koninky, 10-12 maja 2013. Edited by Katarzyna Bajan, Waldemar Ogloza, Grzegorz Stachowski and Bartlomiej Zakrzewski. - Krakow : Universitet Pedagogiczny : Polskie Towarzystwo Milosnikow Astronomii, 2014, p. 171-176. ISSN 1230-2295. |
AEE04 |
NESLUŠAN, Luboš - HAJDUKOVÁ, Mária, Jr. - TOMKO, Dušan - KAŇUCHOVÁ, Zuzana - JAKUBÍK, Marián. The prediction of meteor showers from all potential parent comets. In Proceedings of the International Meteor Conference, Giron, France, 18-21 September 2014. Edited by J.-L. Raul and Paul Roggemans. - Hove : International Meteor Organization, 2014, p. 139-145. ISBN 978-2-87355-028-8. |
Odborné práce v domácich recenzovaných zborníkoch
(konferenčných aj nekonferenčných)
BED01 |
HRIC, Ladislav. Premenné hviezdy: Premenné hviezdy . Časť II. In Astronomická ročenka 2015. S. 157-171. - Hurbanovo : Slovenská ústredná hvezdáreň, 2014. ISBN 978-80-85221-79-4. |
Redakčné a zostavovateľské práce knižného charakteru
(bibliografie, encyklopédie, katalógy, slovníky, zborníky...)
FAI01 |
Proceedings of the Workshop "Observing Techniques, Instrumentation and Science for Metre-Class Telescopes". In Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnaté Pleso, vol. 43, no. 3. Edited by Theodor Pribulla and Richard Komžík. Tatranská Lomnica : Astronomical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, 2014. ISSN 1335-1842. |
FAI02 |
Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnaté Pleso. Editor [1984-2014] Ján Svoreň, editor [2001-2014] Richard Komžík. Tatranská Lomnica : Astronomical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, 1955-. impaktovaný, SCOPUS, NASA ADS. 2x ročne. ISSN 1335-1842. |
Práce zverejnené na internete
GHG01 |
CAPOBIANCO, Gerardo - FINESCHI, Silvano - MASSONE, Giuseppe - RYBÁK, Ján - AMBRÓZ, Jaroslav - KOZÁK, Matúš - KUČERA, Aleš. Measuring the Sun's coronal green line from Earth. In SPIE Newsroom [elektronický zdroj], 24 July 2014, DOI: 10.1117/2.1201407.00553. Názov prebraný z titulnej obrazovky. Dostupné na internete: <>. |
GHG02 |
PAVLENKO, Elena - ANTONYUK, Kirill - SOSNOVSKIJ, Aleksei - ANTONYUK, Oksana I. - KATYSHEVA, Natalia A. - SHUGAROV, Sergey Yu.. ASASSN-14fu: Unusual cataclysmic variable with coexistence of 0.16-d period and 0.020-0.025 d quasiperiod during the 2014 outburst decline and quiescence. In The Astronomer's Telegram, 2014, no. 6761, p. 1. Názov prebraný z titulnej obrazovky. Dostupné na internete: <>. |
GHG03 |
SKOPAL, Augustín - WOLF, Marek - ŠLECHTA, Miroslav - TEYSSIER, Francois - MONTIER, Jacques - LESTER, Tim - GARDE, Olivier - BUIL, Christian - LEMOULT, Thierry - CHARBONNEL, Stéphane. The first detection of the Raman scattered O VI 1032 A line in classical novae - the case of Nova Del 2013 and Nova Cyg 2014. In The Astronomer's Telegram, 2014, no. 6132, p. 1. Názov prebraný z titulnej obrazovky. Dostupné na internete: <>. |