PREDNASAJUCI / LECTURER : Theodor Pribulla NAZOV / TITLE : Precession of the orbital planes and rotational axes in transiting exoplanets. ABSTRAKT / ABSTRACT : Fast rotation of exoplanet host stars causes their flattening and in misaligned systems leads to precession of the orbital planes and rotational axes of planets. Precession can be found by modelling of line profiles or broadening functions during the transits but also from changing transit impact factor. In fast rotators the gravity darkening enables to constrain the true orientation of the parent star rotational axis. Modelling of three rapidly rotating parent stars (Kelt-17a, Kelt-19Ab, and Kelt-21b) and their planets observed with the CHEOPS satellite is presented. First results of a search for new misaligned or/and precessing systems in the TESS photometry are given.