PREDNASAJUCI / LECTURER : David Vokrouhlický (1) Astronomical Institute of Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic NAZOV / TITLE : Jupiter Trojans and Hildas: Population analysis and implications ABSTRAKT / ABSTRACT : Jupiter Trojans (JTs) librate about the Lagrangian stationary centers L4 and L5 associated with this planet on typically small-eccentricity and moderate-inclination heliocentric orbits. Hildas (Hs), having similar heliocentric orbits, occupy the long-term stable region of the 3/2 mean motion resonance with Jupiter. Since both JTs and Hs are resonantly coupled to Jupiter, their physical and orbital properties provide important clues about the dynamical evolution of the giant planets in the early solar system, as well as the population of planetesimals in the trans-Neptunian region. Here we make use of a decade-long observations of the Catalina Sky Survey to provide the state-of-art model of JTs and Hs orbital and magnitude distribution. For both JTs and Hs we conduct an up-to-date search for collisional families, allowing us to identify the background populations. In spite of their many similarities, we also find evidence of several striking differences. Future work is needed to understand whether they arise due to (i) different formation processes of these populations, or (ii) rather a divergent post-formation evolution.