PREDNASAJUCI / LECTURER : Oleksandra Ivanova (1) Astronomical Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences, 059 60 Tatranská Lomnica NAZOV / TITLE : Activity of distant comet C/2014 N3 (NEOWISE) beyond the snow line ABSTRAKT / ABSTRACT : Understanding the mechanisms driving cometary activity, particularly the factors that trigger it is of fundamental importance for the cosmogony of the Solar System. The study of activity in such faint objects as distant comets is a new and one of the most priority directions of modern science regarding active small bodies of the Solar System. This work presents the results of a photometric and spectroscopic analysis of long-period comet C/2014 N3 (NEOWISE) at a heliocentric distance of 4.51 au, obtained as part of a program investigating cometary activity at large heliocentric distances using quasi-simultaneous observations. Visible-range data were obtained on the 6-m BTA telescope, while infrared measurements were obtained from the NEOWISE space telescope. No significant gas emissions were detected in the optical spectra. The analysis of the dust component includes measurements of color properties, dust level activity, and an assessment of dust emission dynamics. Monte Carlo modeling was used to estimate the total dust mass loss and ejection velocities of particles. NEOWISE data were used to analyze CO₂ production rates before and after perihelion.