The general scientific objective is formulated in the EIS study description. At present we have no information how to apply for the optional supporting data of SOT. So here the proposal follows: - a draft of the EIS part of the proposal (following the rules of EIS) file >eis_study.txt<: 500 words for the scientific objective + list of EIS lines file >eis_program.def<: SolarSoft/EIS produced EIS definition of the study - a suggestion for the SOT supporting imaging file >sot_study.txt< -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="eis_study.txt" Title: Physical mechanisms driving solar microflares and supergranular network dynamics - relevance for coronal heating Scientific objective: This proposal merges together attempts to observe two kinds of solar structures - solar microflares and supergranular network - which are planned to be investigated to address common open questions of their drivers and their impact on the coronal heating and dynamics. At present, mainly two types of models are invoked to understand the heating of the corona: models in which the energy is transported by (various) types of waves in a magnetized plasma from the convection zone to the corona where they dissipate their energy and models in which magnetic free energy is accumulated in the corona by (slow) footpoint motions, and explosively released via magnetic reconnection in numerous small-scale flare events, so-called microflares or nanoflares. Microflares: Intrinsically, due to their small sizes and fast dynamics, the analysis of microflares demands high spatial resolution observations combined with good temporal cadence. Our objective is to analyse the dynamics and plasma evolution during microflares by studying the chromospheric response to electron beam and/or conductive heating (flare footpoints: RHESSI hard X-rays, DOT H alpha and Ca II H) together with the transition region and coronal response (flare loops: RHESSI and Hinode EIS UV, XRT soft X-rays, post-flare loops: TRACE EUV) in imaging data combined with X-ray spectral analysis (RHESSI soft and hard X-rays). These observations will allow us to draw inferences on the plasma temperature and emission measure evolution as well as on the importance and energetics of accelerated electrons in microflares. In addition, we also plan to use Hinode/EIS (SOHO/CDS) spectroscopy in order to study mass motions related to the chromospheric evaporation process. The comparison of these observational data with theoretical predictions in the frame of electron-beam-driven and conductively driven chromospheric evaporation for individual microflares can help us t o better understand different processes taken place here. Supergranular network: particularly in/above chromospheric network upper parts of the solar atmosphere (i.e. chromosphere, transition region and corona) are planned to be investigated in order to identify the most probable physical mechanism responsible for the heating of the solar corona localized. Two main groups of the physical mechanisms, dissipation of magneto-acoustic waves excited in the photosphere and small-scale magnetic reconnection in the corona suggest presence of the propagating waves in the upper solar atmosphere. Difference is situated in the opposite direction of the wave propagation. Determination of the dominant mechanism can be therefore based on analysis of the wave modulation of the spectral lines emissions. Our latest results indicate presence of the downward propagating waves in/above chromospheric network and thus preferring magnetic reconnection as the dominant heating mechanism. On the other hand, findings of other authors show evidence of propagating intensity oscillations spreading out from the photosphere to the corona and therefore preferring the alternative heating mechanism. We will employ improved cross-correlation algorithm, wavelet analysis and phase difference analysis of all selected spectral lines. This approach has been used already by our group for SOHO/CDS data. To clarify these findings we propose the following coordinated campaign performing simultaneous measurements using the following instruments: - ground: DOT - Dutch Open Telescope (LaPalma), Kanzelhohe (Austria), Hvar (Croatia) - space: SOHO: CDS, MDI, EIT; TRACE; RHESSI, Hinode: EIS, SOT, XRT - EIS: time series of the line profiles of the spectral lines He II 256.32 A, Si VII 275.35 A, Fe XII 195.12 A, Ca XVII 192.82 A, cadence 12 sec. fixed 1D slit position, the disk center, slit 1x120 arcsec, no rotation compensation. Provided information: line intensities and Doppler shifts - chromosphere and transition region, corona - 1D - Total duration of the common observational run: 3.5 hours. Measurements repeated for several days in order to acquire sufficiently large material also for a statistical analysis of more network areas. ---------------------------------------------------- EIS Exposure duration: 10 seconds Ion Species Wavelength Total counts for exposure (A) (per pixel) Ca XVII 192.82 0.0 Fe XII 195.12 138.2 He II 256.32 47.4 Si VII 275.35 12.3 He II 256.32 log T=4.7 Fe VIII 185.21 log T=5.6 Si VII 275.35 log T=5.8 Si VIII 277.06 log T=5.9 Fe X 184.54 log T=6.0 Si X 258.37 log T=6.1 Si X 261.04 Fe XII 186.88 log T=6.1 Fe XII 195.13 Fe XII 193.52 Si XI 190.36 log T=6.2 Si XI 191.27 Fe XIII 196.54 log T=6.2 Fe XIII 202.04 Fe XIII 203.83 Fe XIV 264.79 log T=6.3 Fe XIV 274.20 Fe XV 284.16 log T=6.3 Ca XVII 192.82 log T=6.7 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="eis_program.def" EIS_STUDY_START ID -1 ACRONYM dyn_network TITLE Energy transport and dynamics in/above the solar network and coronal heating mechanisms TYPE 0 TARGET Quiet Sun AUTHOR Unknown CATEGORY Science DATE 15-Dec-2006 DURATION 12362800 VOLUME 506880000 NRASTERS 1 RECURSIVE 0 SLIT_SLOT 0,3,3 XRT_FLARE_RESPONSE 0,0,0,0,0,0,0 EIS_FLARE_RESPONSE 0,0,0,0,0 EIS_EVENT_RESPONSE 0,0,0,0,0 AEC_RESPONSE 0 STUDYRASTERS 1 EIS_STUDY_END EIS_RASTER_START 0 RA_ID -1 ACRONYM dyn_network TITLE [RA:000030][SNS:99sets][ss:40"][wH:200,nWins:4,LL:000001][ExpT(Delay):10.00(0)] AUTHOR Peter Gomory DATE 15-Dec-2006 LL_ID -1 RASTERTYPE 1 SCAN_FM_NSTEPS 40 SCAN_FM_STEPSIZE 40 SNS_NEXPS 99 SNS_DURATION 0 NWINDOWS 4 DATAWINDOWS 40,40,40,40 WINDHEIGHT 200 WINDWIDTH 40 SLITINDEX 3 NEXP 1 EXPOSURES 10000 DELAYS 0 SPLIT 0 DURATION 1234030 VOLUME 50688000 EIS_RASTER_END 0 EIS_STUDYRASTER_START 0 RA_REPEATS 10 RA_COMPRESSION 0 AEC_LINE_FLAG 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 AEC_PARAMETERS 0,0,0,0,0,0 EIS_FLARE_LINE_FLAG 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 EIS_FLARE_PROPERTIES 0,0,0,0,1,1 EIS_EVENT_LINE_FLAG 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 EIS_EVENT_PROPERTIES 0,0,1,1 XRT_FLARE_LINE_FLAG 0 EIS_STUDYRASTER_END 0 EIS_LINELIST_START ACRONYM Core_Lines TITLE CaXVII,192.82;FeXII,195.12;HeII,256.32 AUTHOR Matthew Whillock DATE 15-Dec-2006 N_LINES 3 LINE[00] Ca XVII 19282 c 0 LINE[01] Fe XII 19512 c 0 LINE[02] He II 25632 c 0 EIS_LINELIST_END ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="sumer_study.txt" Title: Energy transport and dynamics in/above the solar network and coronal heating mechanisms Scientific objective: see file >eis_study.txt< Technical SUMER details: Main data mode: - time series of the line profiles of the chromospheric/transition region spectral lines, - fixed 1D slit position, - the disk center, - slit 1x120 arcsec, - no rotation compensation. - duration: 3.5 hours - reason: time series of the line profiles of the chromospheric + transition region spectral lines line list: - C II 1026.34, C II 1037.018 A, and O VI 1037.613 A lines - 3 neighbor spectral windows: (3x25) x 120 pixels - t_exposure ~ t_cadence = 10s - KBr detector part - spectrum positioned with the Lyman beta line on the bare part of the detector, O I lines on the KBr part - output: series of spectral images - 75x120 pixels housekeeping data (heaters, termometers) Auxiliary data mode 1 - wavelength calibration: - full spectral images of the KBr part of the detector - the same spectral region - no grating/mirror motion between modes - slit 1x120 arcsec - t_exposure ~ 80s ~ t_cadence ~ 80s (telemetry limited) - fixed 1D slit position - the disk center - no rotation compensation - duration: 10 exposures (800s ~ 13 min) - reason: wavelength calibration of the spectral range used (several O I lines available) Auxiliary data data 2 - ligament data: - 2D raster centered at the disk center (position of the slit for the main data mode) - the same line list as for main data mode but two more 25px wide spectral windows added for the Lyman beta line (bare part) - no grating/mirror motion between modes - slit 1x120 arcsec - t_exposure ~ t_cadence: 15 sec (telemetry limited) - 61 steps in EW direction, step of ~1 arcsec (i.e. +/-30 arc secs) - repetition: 3 rasters - no rotation compensation - duration: 3 x 61 x 15 sec ~= 2745 sec ~= 46 minutes - reason: auxiliary data for SUMER~EIS(~SOT,...) co-alignment Derived data for analysis: - SUMER: main mode: - line intensities and Doppler shifts - chromosphere/low transition region (CII ~30000 K) and upper transition region (O VI 280000 K): - EIS co-observing auxiliary modes: - wavelength calibration - co-alignment data (2D rasters centered at the 1D main mode slit position) - EIS: context intensity images of the limited field-of-view slot 40", FOV 40x200" centered at the SUMER slit position lines: He II 256.32 A - chromosphere (4.8) Si VII 275.35 A - transition region (5.7) Fe XII 195.12 A - corona (6.11) cadence: 12 sec Planned analysis: described in file >eis_study.txt<. Cooperation of instruments: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | SUMER | wavelength | 2D raster | 1D main mode | 2D raster | wavelength | | | calibration | | | | calibration | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | EIS | | | basic run | | | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | 13min | 46min | 3.5hours | 46min | 13min | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Possible supporting observations: - SOT/BFI