Subject: CorMag@LSO news From : Jan Rybak Date : 12.10.2015 11:53 To : Silvano Fineschi Gerardo Capobianco Kavka Juraj DONE list: - 2 new observing programs written: based on suggestions of Silvano given to me in Brussels, the idea was to test whether we can see at least unpolarized green line emission using CorMag@LSO obs_prog_002: 1 wavelength only - 530.28nm datatypes: DARK,FLAT,DATA obs_prog_002: 2 wavelengths only - 530.28 and 530.08 nm datatypes: DARK,FLAT,DATA - a little improved photometric reduction procedure written including a correction for the relative optical system throughput ~ wavelength and several checks of the data reduction procedure added - new observations made by our assistant Juraj Kavka: 1/ obs_prog_002: 1 wavelength only - 530.28nm date/directory: 20151003_obs_prog_002 2/ obs_prog_003: 2 wavelengths only - 530.28 and 530.08 nm date/directory: 20151003_obs_prog_003 3/ obs_prog_001: 11 wavelengths 530.13,530.16,...,530.43 nm date/directory: 20151003_obs_prog_001: only DARK,FLAT 4/ obs_prog_001: 11 wavelengths 530.13,530.16,...,530.43 nm date/directory: 20151002: all datatypes but CALI without pre-polarizer 5/ obs_prog_001: 11 wavelengths 530.13,530.16,...,530.43 nm date/directory: 20151001: all datatypes but CALI without pre-polarizer 6/ obs_prog_001: 11 wavelengths 530.13,530.16,...,530.43 nm date/directory: 20150922: all datatypes but CALI without pre-polarize - An analysis of these data sets performed led to some new results: 1/ the latest observations performed by our observing assistant Juraj Kavka do show still some reflections in the image due to air bubble problem or other reasons. Illustrative images: Therefore I shall go up to the observatory to check the reasons and to repair if possible. Listed are possible reasons to be evaluated: orientation, azimuth and inclination of the IR filter, inclination of the CCD camera chip relatively to the optical axis We need clear sky for these tests. I shall wait for it! 2/ from the observing run chopping between the continuum and line center (obs_prog_003) we can see the GREEN LINE EMISSION in principle! According to the item 1/ given above this can not be the final confirmation of reaching our goal but it seems promising. At the moment it is for me hard to separate effect of the reflections and the solar emission. Nevertheless I can confirm that the typical core-continuum signal is ~5000 counts in 0.1s exposure for a bright active region loops (2015/10/03 PA=250 degrees). See enclosed image: CorMag_20151003_085109_diff_core-cont.jpg Example of 100 continuum, line core and difference images: Example of 100 difference images: /RAIDofsF/choc/lso/LSO_cormag/20151003_obse_prog_003/imas/diff_line-conti/ 3/ Watching a series of the line_core-continuum difference images it can be seen that the actual 'green corona' image is highly dependent on actual seeing actions shifting the line_core image and/or the continuum image relatively to the Lyot stop (artificial moon). Some images look reasonable when the effect of seen is small, some are crazy when seeing shifts these images considerably. See images listed in item 2/. My todo list: 1/ to try to correct the remaining reflections in CorMag@LSO instrument 2/ to prepare procedure for determination of the absolute energetic calibration of the system - ABSO data type in order to calibrate the emission in energetic units 2/ to get more obs_prog 003 and obs_prog 001 observations with larger occultation of the solar disk (35"->70") in order to allow longer exposure times