Dear colleagues, based on the paper POINT-SPREAD FUNCTIONS FOR THE EXTREME-ULTRAVIOLET CHANNELS OF SDO/AIA TELESCOPES B. Poduval, C. E. DeForest, J. T. Schmelz, and S. Pathak The Astrophysical Journal, 765:144 (15pp), 2013 March 10 I have prepared some IDL small programs: - creation of the PSF (in fact its FFT) : - correction of the AIA level 1 data for the PSF : - test IDL program of these 2 procedures : All can be found at . Programs need some technical data for creation of the PSF data, which can be downloaded from . Please, adapt paths in the IDL programs to find the technical data stored in your computer. Some limitations/remarks: - correction for the PSF can be done only at the level 1 data, i.e. before application of the - technical data for the correction for the PSF are available only for the EUV channels, i.e. pre 94, 131, 171,193, 211, 304, and 335, bur not for the UV channels 1600 a 1700 - without some additional adaptation the correction can be applied to the AIA data of the size at least 801x801 original AIA pixels - data can be of the rectangular or square FoV - calculation is faster once the dita size is of the size 2^n x 2^m, m,n - integer You will see differences comparing the just results and the PSF correction and results. With the best wishes Jan Rybak