Observing programme SCD@LSO obs_prog_002:
Active region filaments: formation, evolution, and dissapearance

support for the GREGOR and SST Telescopes

  • SUPPORTED PROGRAM: C. Kuckein (AIP) - "Active region filaments: formation, evolution, and dissapearance (SST coord.)", targets: AR filam, EB, Setup: GRIS 10830, GFPI 5890, 5434 IS, HIFI 396, 450, Chrotel Ha, 2018/05/06-20

  • SCD@LSO SUPPORT: 2D spectropolarimetry, FoV 800x600", 21 spectral points per profile, scan time 15s, dwell time 65s, in alternation H I 656 line or Ca II 854 line, Ca 854 II 07-12/05, H I 656 13-20/05

    DAY          TARGET     LSO time span       LSO note
    2018/04/06   -          -                   -
    2018/04/07   AR 12708   -                   -
    2018/04/08   AR 12708   -                   - bad weather (in clouds, some rain)
    2018/04/09   AR 12708   -                   - bad weather (in clouds, some rain)  
    2018/04/10   AR 12709   -                   - bad weather (flying clouds or in clouds)    
    2018/04/11   AR 12709   -                   - bad weather (clouds)   
    2018/04/12   AR 12709   -                   - bad weather (in clouds or below clouds) 
    2018/04/13   AR 12709   - 05:52-10:10       - just cirruses for some moments and a little hazy sky)
    2018/04/14   AR 12709   - 05:08-05:21       - clear sky till 05:21, then oveflying clouds
    2018/04/15   AR 12709   -                   - bad weather (clouds)   
    2018/04/16   AR 12709   -                   - bad weather (clouds) 
    2018/04/17   disk_cent  -                   - bad weather (clouds/rain/snowfall)
    2018/04/18   disk_cent  -                   - bad weather (clouds/snowfall) 
    2018/04/19   new pores at 603",211"         - bad weather (clouds/snowfall) 
    2018/04/20   -          -                   - bad weather (clouds) 

  • Last update: May 20, 2018