(B) Output data:
- (B1) decompress.sh - OS-Linux-based script for the complete
decompresion of all output data (see B2) into the common subdirectory
TPS_DATA (the directory must not exist before the script is run; by
command: sh decompress.sh or ./decompress.sh).
- (B2) res####_$$$$.tgz - the archive of output data archives for
the period ranging from #### to $$$$ Myr. After its decompression
(command: tar xzvf res####_$$$$.tgz), subdirectory RES####_$$$$/ is
created and following archives occur inside it:
- (B2a) xyz@@@@_****.tgz - zipped TAR archive of the rectangular
position and velocity coordinates of the integrated test particles
(TPs) being in the integration region, at least for a while, during
the integration period spanning from @@@@ to **** (in Myr). After a
decompression (command: tar xzvf xyz@@@@_****.tgz), the files
- -- "small&&&&.xyz" will occur. Symbol &&&& indicates the time
in Myr, for which the coordinates are given. The data about each TP
are written in three lines. The structure of these lines is following:
- 1st line: identification string of the TP, epoch for which the data are
given (in days from the beginning of the simulation; it corresponds to &&&&);
- 2nd line: rectangular coordinates X, Y, Z of the TP in AU;
- 3rd line: components of the velocity vector VX, VY, VZ of the TP in
AU/day (both vectors are referred to the modified galactic heliocentric coordinate system).
- (B2b) qew@@@@_****.tgz - zipped TAR archive of the orbital
elements of the TPs being in the integration region. After a
decompression, the files
- -- "small&&&&.qew" will occur. Symbol &&&& indicates again the
time, in Myr, for which the orbital elements are given. In days, this
epoch is also given in the first line of the "small&&&&.qew" file.
The data about the TPs are written in further lines, one line for a
given TP. This line contains: perihelion distance, q [AU];
eccentricity, e; argument of perihelion, omega [deg]; longitude of
ascending node, Omega [deg]; inclination, i [deg]; identification code
of the given TP. The angular elements are referred to the modified
galactic heliocentric coordinate system.
- (B2c) col@@@@_****.tgz - zipped TAR archive with the files
- -- "col&&&&.inf" containing information of which TPs collided
with a massive body (Sun or planet) during the interval ranging from
&&&&-1 to &&&& Myr. In a particular line, the code of a given TP is
followed by information of which massive body was hit.
- (B2d) eje@@@@_****.tgz - zipped TAR archive with the files
- -- "eje&&&&.inf" containing the names of TPs, which were
ejected into the interstellar space during the interval ranging from
&&&&-1 to &&&& Myr.